SADOJ Controls

FivePD Controls

F11 - Open Duty Menu

Y - Accept callout or backup request

Z - Open the callout menu (Must be on duty and in a department)

G - Open dispatch and scene management menu

X - Open ped interaction menu

O - Set a waypoint to the closest jail drop off point (when there is an arrested ped in the current vehicle or is being controlled by a player)

Press and hold E (for about 2 seconds) - Stop Ped / Cuff Ped

E - Places cuffed ped in the vehicle (must be nearby ped)

LSHIFT + E - Places spike strips down when standing by the trunk of an applicable vehicle. Press again while standing nearby to pick previously placed spike strips up

U - Place ped in jail (must be nearby an arrested ped at a jail drop off point)

J - Open the ID card panel (after receiving a ped's license)

Vehicle Controls

B - Open the MDT

LSHIFT - Blip the vehicle in front of you. To initiate the traffic stop turn on your lights. To cancel a traffic stop or a chase press and hold for 3 seconds

F9 - Toggle ALPR

X - Open the traffic stop positioning menu. Go to marker controls: move around the marker with arrow keys, then press enter.

Radio Controls

/radio - Opens the radio menu

- Click power to turn your radio on

- Click the middle screen of the radio, and select your frequency. (5 will be the one mostly used.) Then, click change when done.

- Go to your settings, and go to your FiveM keybinds, and set the keybind to speak on the radio.

K9 Controls

Open Menu | /K9

Follow / Stop | F5

Attack | Point + F5

Get in & Out Vechicle | Delete

Tackle Script

H - Tackles the AI